About our project


Hello and welcome
Our medical model translates Professor Helen O’Connell’s research on the anatomy and function of the clitoris first published in 1998. The clitoris has been under-represented and misrepresented in scientific and popular literature. Our aim is to put that right.

Our model is a 1:1 scale that is anatomically correct. It demonstrates that the G-spot does not exist, but it does explain deep pleasurable feelings as the clitoral complex embraces the vagina.

Doctor O’Connell and doctor Mulligancollaborated to produce this life-size, beautiful clitoris to hold and to be used for teaching. It clearly shows the glans, body, crura, and bulbs and measures 9x9cm.

It is used by nursing, midwifery, medical educators, sexual health practitioners, relationship counsellors, therapists, abortion providers, family planning workers, and specialists.
We offer anatomical models that can be incorporated into training materials and programs. We are developing training materials to accompany the model and are excited to collaborate, so please get in touch [email protected]
Thank you for your support.

Professor Caroline de Costa said,

It is not discussed,” says De Costa, who is also a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at James Cook University. “I go to conferences, I go to workshops, I edit the journal, I read other journals. I read papers all the time, and never do I find mention of the clitoris.

Dr Ea Mulligan from Flinders University said,

A lot of medical students and doctors I have handed them to have said ‘Oh I didn’t know it was as big as that’, because it’s been diminished in the medical literature,” Mulligan says. “It’s just a beautiful case study on the invisibility of women’s concerns in science, in medicine.